“…Their strategy was spot on — over 30 research-based ads and direct mail pieces featuring DC residents, business owners, and other supporters that spanned six months, leading up to the eventual approval by the DC Public Service Commission.”
— Laura Duda, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Goodyear; former Vice President, Corporate Communications, Exelon Corporation
Hearing the words merger or acquisition can raise the anxiety levels of customers and employees alike. Nothing says change quite like the idea of one company purchasing or taking over the reins of another.
We were leading communications at a Fortune 500 company during a nearly $7 billion merger and we know firsthand that in a situation like this, it is critical to support the changes in business structure with strong and effective communication plans. From initial acquisition announcements to the completion of the transaction and staff integration, companies must be proactive and strategic with their messaging, especially when audiences include media, elected officials and regulators as well as shareholders, customers and employees.
While the idea of communicating change to these important audiences may sound daunting, we view these situations as opportunities to connect. We approach them as a means to not only generate internal and external support for a merger, but also to reposition the company, to launch an updated brand, and to redesign the organization if needed.
The success of the communication strategy relies on the ability to understand and speak effectively to the company’s varied group of audiences and their differing concerns and priorities.
How do we know our method works?
- Secured approvals for merger between Pepco Holdings, Inc., and Exelon Corporation in all state and federal jurisdictions
- Executed an integrated, sustained and successful merger advertising campaign designed to educate customers and other key constituencies on the wide array of merger benefits
- Developed, coordinated and implemented comprehensive change management communications program enterprise wide
- Pepco Holdings, Inc., merged with Exelon Corporation in 2016, receiving a 29.5% stock price premium
While our history includes successfully developing merger and acquisition communications plans, we know every situation is different and we work closely with you and your advisers to identify your unique needs, opportunities and priorities.